Tuesday, July 8, 2014

John Chapter 6 -- On the road

Hope you get a chance to read John 6! 


Midnight -- a hotel in Tennessee.  Everything is dark but my computer screen.  I have had my life and blogging interrupted by emergency surgery in Georgia (My husband's - Yes, he is recovering) 
John 6 is very appropriate.  How do we deal with life's interruptions??????
Let's see what Jesus does. 
-- I'm taking time to send a little Bible note in the midst of a crazy day!
Love Laurie

John Chapter 6 -- Those unexpected interruptions....How did Jesus handle them?


OK -- between you and me....I think John was a journalist.


In his Bible book, he covers so much stuff so succinctly  He covers the action in Jesus' life and  he highlights the good, meaty stuff. 
I'm enjoying reading this!
John 6 is unbelievable!  We start with feeding of 5 thousand. 
When I read this, something impressed me.  Jesus got in a boat and tried to have some "alone" time. 
 I can understand this.  He was always pressed upon from all sides. 
I'm impressed by the number of times the Bible talks about Jesus getting "away" to be with His Father.
You  need to take time away also -- Just you and God -- A lot of listening and resting in the presence of your Father.  GOOD stuff!
Well -- Jesus has left the people, but he looks up and here they COME!
What happens next - I love.  I could not do this.  I would have seen those people coming and I would have panicked and gotten cranky!  
What does Jesus do?  John 6:5  He talks about feeding them!
ZOWWWEEE!  Jesus doesn't fuss. He doesn't panic.  He doesn't send those annoying people away.
Do I???? (fuss and panic, I mean!)  I think  I do sometimes with my attitude!   Sometimes, I need to CHILL!!!!!!
Jesus feeds the 5,000, then collects the leftovers. 
Here's the deal -- God gives us gifts -- Use them wisely and HOLD on to them. 
Just like Jesus had his disciples gather extra food for another day -- we should not waste what God has given us 
There will be a time use those gifts - today and tomorrow.
Jesus leaves to be alone again and the disciples get in their boat without him. 
--Here Jesus comes !  Walking on water !  Jesus told them not to be afraid. 
In another verse (different Bible book) , Peter tries to walk on the water to Jesus.  Problem is, Pete takes his eyes off Jesus and looks at the storm.
  Hmmm when he takes his eyes off Jesus....he sinks.  Jesus pulls him out at the last minute!
--Keep your eyes on Jesus during storm.  He moves in those dangerous times.  Don't miss His leading. 
Jesus states over and over in this book that He is the Savior - the one true path to God. 
In John  6:29 Jesus says it all: 
 "The work of God is this: to believe in the one He has sent." 
The crowd is asking Jesus for another miracle.  I can tell Jesus is annoyed The people want miracle bread. 
Jesus says He is the bread of life.  The people are still dumb (so are we!) 
They're looking for something BIG -- something "out there"  -- but the BREAD OF LIFE is standing right before them! 
He still stands before us -- but sometimes we choose not to look at Him. 
Listen to what Jesus says in John 6: 40 : 
"For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him
shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." 
The Jews were annoyed at all of this .  They knew this guy.  How could he be from heaven?  How could he be God's son? 
"Stop GRUMBLING,"  Jesus says -- Haha -- I think he says that to me all the time!
Jesus was saying some controversial stuff.  The powerful Jews were getting uncomfortable. 
Jesus was a hometown boy with profound teaching.  This was threatening to the Jewish leaders.  They started plotting to kill him. 
A lot of Christ's followers left Him when He got too controversial.
 -- Go figure..  some of us leave Him , too, especially when the following makes us uncomfortable. 
 We think we can park Jesus somewhere outside of our lives and then do what we want. 
It's always easier to pick Jesus up on the way home after the party.   But Jesus is still there. 
Jesus is now back with the 12 disciples -- He asks, " You do not want to leave too, do you?" 
Peter answers, "to whom shall we go?"  So TRUE!!!! -- Where else can we go but to Jesus! 
Friday is John 7! 
I hope to be home with my patient by then!

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